Ludes Campus

Ludes Campus, Switzerland — Libera Università degli Studi di Scienze Umane e Tecnologiche (Free University of Human Sciences and Technology) was founded as an association in 1999 in the Canton Ticino, Switzerland, with the aim of encouraging and promoting a new cultural exchange with educational, scientific and research experiences both in and outside Europe.

In 2014, the company Sagl was established, transforming its structure into a Campus with appropriate services and logistics to offer the study programs of international universities.

In the framework of our efforts to promote internationalization activities, in 2022 ZSMPhU entered into a collaboration agreement with Ludes Campus based in Lugano, Switzerland, to support the launch of an Off-Campus in Switzerland for our Master Degree in Dentistry program.

ZSMPhU's Off-Campus in Switzerland offers our five-year Master Degree in Dentistry program in English.

International students, who are interested in enrolling in the Course in Lugano or wish to receive information, can apply directly to the Ludes Campus Welcome Office:

For more information visit the website

26 Maiakovskoho Ave., Zaporizhzhia, 69035, Ukraine
Tel: +380 61 239 68 90

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