Erasmus+ KA1 with Tallinn Health Care College (from 2015)
Since the year 1800, several healthcare schools and medical courses have been operating in Tallinn where midwives, nurses and doctor’s assistants have been trained. Continual training for health care specialities started in 1940, when the Nurses’ School was opened. After consolidation with the Assistant Physicians’ school, the Tallinn Medical Secondary School was established. October 16th 1940 is considered to be the official birthday of our college.
In 1943 due to World War II, the School of Assistant Physicians and Midwifery was temporarily transferred to Tambov, Russia. But in 1944, the school continued working in Estonia in the former building of the Nursing School in Tallinn, Pärnu road 104.
In 1945 the school was renamed as the Tallinn Republican Medical Secondary School. The school offered study programs in five specialities: assistant physician, midwife, assistant pharmacist, dental technician and nurse. On September 2nd, 1946, 11 assistant physician-midwives, 1 assistant physician and 20 nurses graduated.
From December 7th 1964, the school was renamed as the Tallinn Medical School - the name the school used up to 2005.
During the 70 years of the school’s existence, professional education has been provided in 11 health care specialities accordingly with the needs of Estonian labour market. Since 1992, the admission of students is accepted only on the bases of secondary education.
In 1996 the training of nurses at the level of higher vocational education started, during the following years the same level was achieved in midwife, pharmacist and dental technician specialities. In 1998, the training for a totally new speciality - optometrist - was launched. During the next years, two more professional higher education curricula were opened - occupational therapist and radiology technician.
In cooperation with the Estonian Nurses Union (now the Estonian Nurses Association) and the Ministry of Social Affairs the advanced study course for nurses was started in 1998, advanced studies for midwives and dental technicians followed in 2002.
In the autumn of 2002, all the curricula were corrected and approved by the Ministry of Education and Research as the professional higher education curricula. During the academic year 2003/2004, the training of nurse assistants at the level of secondary vocational education was started again.
From 2005, the school was reorganized into applied higher education institution and also renamed to Tallinn Heath College. The title of our college changed slightly in February 2009, now it is Tallinn Health Care College. Today, the college provides professional higher education in eight fields, currently the training of nurses and health nurses, midwives, dental technicians, optometrists, assistant pharmacists, occupational therapists and health promotion specialists is under way.
The number of students has constantly increased. Currently more than 1200 students are taught in the college.
Tallinn Health Care College has actively been participating in international cooperation and education programmes, we have cooperation in Lifelong Learning Programmes Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig, Nordplus, Tempus, Interreg etc.
Probably one of the most popular programs is the Erasmus programme in which the participation of students and staff is very active in our college. The hard work in this project has also provided plenty of achievements, one of them being the silver medal in Erasmus teacher exchange from 2008 which we consider as an important milestone in the history of our college.
The academic structure is directed by the Vice Rector for Study who ensures that the activities of the structure comply with laws, the Statutes of the College and other rules or regulations. The academic structure is comprised of chairs, departments and other structural units organising and developing educational activities. The principles and procedure for activities of a unit of the academic structure is established by the statutes of the structural unit. Chairs are structural units which organise teaching and development of one or several related curricula. Chairs are directed by leading members of the teaching staff of the College in their professions. Departments are structural units which support teaching, learning, applied research and development, and organise educational activities. Departments are directed by heads of departments. There are seven chairs and two departments in the College.
Tallinn Health Care College has seven Chairs: