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Scientific research at the University are performed by 696 scientific-pedagogic staff members, including 114 Doctors of Sciences and 438 PhDs, 77 Professors and 199 Associate professors.

The scientific infrastructure of the University includes the research institute of medical-ecological problems, Institute of the human pathology, scientific medical-laboratory center, medical center of genetics and reproduction of man, certification test laboratory of cosmetic and perfume goods and household chemicals, biochemical and clinical-instrumental laboratories of the University clinics, 17 interdepartmental scientific laboratories, editorial and publishing department of scientific periodicals, innovative activity and transfer technologies service, metrological service.

The scientists of the University constantly work on solving the problems of fundamental and experimental medicine, clinical medicine and pharmacy

In terms of the fundamental and experimental medicine

In terms of the fundamental and experimental medicine the priorities are:

In the field of clinical medicine

In the field of clinical medicine the staff of the University develop scientific-pratical problems of modern transplantology, cardio-vascular and general surgery, traumatology and endoprothesis replacement, cardiology and internal medicine, pediatrics and allergology, infectious diseases and oncology.

In the transplantology, cardiovascular surgery and general surgery fields

In 1992 in Ukraine in the transplantology, cardiovascular surgery and general surgery fields the first kidney transplantation in Ukraine was performed, in 1994 – liver transplantation, in 1996 – liver and pancreatic gland transplantation, in 2003 – heart transplantation. Today transplantation of kidney and hemodialysis is performed in patients with chronic kidney insufficiency, and also transplantation of pancreatic gland beta cells in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Members of chairs with surgical orientation perform prosthetic valve transplantation to the patients with congenital and acquired heart disease; conduct aorto-coronary bypass, cardiostimulators implantation, coronary artery stenting to the patients with ischemic heart disease; perform selective thrombolysis to the patients with thromboembolism of pulmonary artery; perform cardiovascular (hybrid) operations in case of occlusal-consrictive vessels disease of the lower extremities brachiocephalic arteries, and also reconstructive operations in case of aorta aneurysm. Surgeons develop and introduce pathogenically proved parenchyma saving operations in case of chronic fibrose-degenerative pancreatitis, and also process laparoscopic methods of surgical treatment of digestive tract and hepatobiliary system disorders.

In the traumatological and endoprosthesis replacement fields

In the traumatological and endoprosthesis replacement fields scientists of the University in cooperation with Motor Sich Joint Stock Company developed first Ukrainian endoprosthesis replacement systems. These systems are produced by Motor Sich Joint Stock Company, in particular: Motor-Sich EPK-2 knee endoprosthesis and ITO-Motor-Sich hip joint endoprosthesis. In the surgical athrology and athletic injury center joints replacement in patients with degenerative-dystrophic and traumatic joints injuries is conducted.

Here new technologies in arthroscopic operation in brachial, coxofemoral and taloclural joints are developed and introduced. In this center new methods of diagnostic and treatment of talocrural, acromioclavicular and radiocarpal joints are developed.

In the cardiology and internal medicine fields

In the cardiology and internal medicine fields the following topical problems are developed:

In the pediatry field

In the pediatry field such problems were gained:

In the infection diseases field

In the infection diseases field University staff of Fondation Merieux fund (France) takes part in global program GABRIEL (Global Approach to biological Research on Infectious Epidemics in low-income countries) focused on tuberculosis epidemic research in genotyping chemical resistant mycobacteria. Active study is oriented to immunity disorders dynamics and possible ways of treatment in patients with chemical-resistant tuberculosis. The staff also studies effectiveness and acceptability improvement of polychemical therapy of chemical-resistant tuberculosis. Scientists of the University develop new ways of early diagnostics, monitoring and progression of chronic viral hepatitis, and also the process complex pathogenic treatment of patients.

In the oncology field

In the oncology field the development of new methods of early diagnostics and treatment of lungs cancer, esophagus, mediastinum and pleura tumors, and also improvement of the malignant growth chemotherapy effectiveness are conducted.

In the pharmaceutical field

In the pharmaceutical field an active search, synthesis and analysis of new biologically active compounding for medical agents creation are performed. Scientists of the University developed new original medicaments on the basis of new synthesized substances. There medicaments are: Tiotriasolin, Nootril, Tiocetam, Tiocetam-forte, Amiotril, Levotil, Indotril, Tiodaron, Trianol, Carbatril, Liziniy. Also new medical products (Palystrin, Magnelong, Sanamast, Glytamag, Apifitol, Fitapisan, Immunofit, Bisholan, Gipofitol, Betizol, Befan, Vitagren) were developed, which are widely used in treatment of cardio-vascular, surgical and infection diseases, in such spheres as neurology, hepatology, dermatology, ophthalmology. Commercial release of veterinary medical products (Rumossol, Avesstim, Trifusol etc.) is in place. Tiotriazolin is registered in  Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Moldavia, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. In Ukraine, according to NGO Pharmatron, Tiotriazolin is turned out in form of tablets, ampoule solution, injection solution, eye drops, cream and suppository.


Search and practice journals of the University, such as Zaporizhzhia Medical Journal, Pathology, Burning Questions of Pharmaceutical and Medical Science and Practice are included in the international scientometric bases, repositories, electronic libraries in the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Poland,  India, Morocco.

40 international agreements for cooperation in education and research are performed

26 Maiakovskoho Ave., Zaporizhzhia, 69035, Ukraine
Tel: +380 61 239 68 90

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