Medical services

Medical services

Medical obligatory insurance is 150 $ US.

Annually all students irrespective of their health have compulsory preventive check-ups and examinations and sick persons receive treatment both at the polyclinic and in the best clinics of the city. The diagnostic complex is represented with a clinical biochemical laboratory, a functional diagnostic division, a room for endoscopic examination and X-ray room. The department of physiotherapy and rehabilitation fulfills an important work in the process of treatment. The leading medical specialists of the Regional Clinical Hospital provide for the consultative assistance.

All students get a regular complex of preventive inoculations. There is a medical unit on the territory of the University where students can get a qualified premedical and medical assistance in acute and urgent pathologic conditions. Qualified specialists - the University workers - give regular consultations here.

There is a student sanatorium-dispensary in the campus, too. Students can take physiotherapy treatment there.

26 Maiakovskoho Ave., Zaporizhzhia, 69035, Ukraine
Tel: +380 61 239 68 90

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