Medical Faculty No. 1

Acting Dean of the Faculty:
Kostiantyn LURIE, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Disaster Medicine and Military Medicine.

Deputy deans:

Hlib VASYLENKO, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pathophysiology.

Olena IVANCHENKO, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Medical Physics, Biophysics and Further Mathematics.

Larysa SHARAVARA, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology.


Field of Knowledge — 22 Health Care

Specialty222 Medicine.

Higher education level — Second (Master's Degree).

Qualification — Physician.

Nataliia Mykhailovska Nataliia Mykhailovska — guarantor of the "Medicine" educational program of the second (master's) higher education level in specialty 222 Medicine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of General Practice — Family Medicine and Internal Diseases.

Mode of study — full-time.

Period of Study — 6 years (requires further internship in primary specialization in "General Practice — Family Medicine", "Obstetrics and Gynecology", "Anesthesiology and Intensive Care", "Internal Diseases", "Infectious Diseases", "Clinical Oncology", "Emergency Medicine", "Neurology", "Neurosurgery", "Orthopedics and Traumatology", "Otorhinolaryngology", "Ophthalmology", "Anatomical Pathology", "Psychiatry", "Pulmonology and Phthisiology", "Medico-Legal Investigation", "Urology", "Surgery", etc.)

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine confers the rank of reserve medical service on graduates of the Faculty who have successfully studied special military disciplines. In addition, students have the opportunity to undergo internships not only within Ukraine, but also in hospitals in other countries.


Historical Reference

According to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1081 dated October 23, 1964, the Medical Faculty was established on the basis of the Zaporozhye Pharmaceutical Institute by the order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 484 dated October 27, 1964. At that time, six medical HEI of Ukraine conducted admission campaigns for students to study in Zaporizhzhia: Kharkiv, Simferopol, Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil and Luhansk medical institutes. During the first semester students studied at these institutes, and during the second one — at the Medical Faculty of the Zaporozhye Pharmaceutical Institute. In the 1965–1966 academic year, the Zaporozhye Pharmaceutical Institute conducted the first enrollment for the first year (220 students) and formed the third year batch of students from other universities, who expressed a desire to continue their studies at the Faculty.

By 1968, 22 departments were organized at the Medical Faculty, which employed 130 teachers, including 12 professors and doctors of sciences, 82 associate professors and candidates of sciences.

On January 29, 1968, the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No 61 on renaming the Zaporozhye Pharmaceutical Institute into the Zaporozhye Medical Institute was issued, and in 1969 the first graduation of doctors took place.

In 1996 the Dean's Office of the Medical Faculty was organized. Since 2001, it is headed by Associate Professor Volodymyr Kompaniiets.

Since 2010, the First and Second Medical Faculties have been established on the basis of the Medical Faculty.


Teaching Staff

There are 279 lecturers working at the Departments of the Faculty, among them: Academician of the NAMS of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, 5 Honored Workers of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Higher Education, three laureates of the State Prize of Ukraine, five laureates of the AMS of Ukraine Prize, laureate of the President of Ukraine Prize, laureate of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Prize, three honored doctors of Ukraine, 48 professors, 187 candidates of sciences.

The Research Institute of Ecological Problems is operating successfully.


Faculty Students

About 2,600 students study at the Faculty. Among them: 5 nominal scholarship holders, more than 10% — excellent students. Every fifth one conducts research work as part of the student scientific society. They present their reports at the final scientific conferences of the University, in other universities of the country and at international scientific conferences in other countries. More than 30 students were awarded diplomas of I, II and III degrees.

The Faculty has all the conditions for students' leisure. The sports club of the University has sections for classes in almost all sports.

About 200 students of the Faculty are active participants of amateur art of ZSMPhU. There are 3 KVN teams and 2 amateur art groups at the Faculty.

There are 3 dormitories assigned to the Faculty. They create all the conditions for preparation for classes and recreation of students. There is an Internet network, a library and a reading room. There is a cooking room and a personal hygiene room.

Student self-government body, trade union organization of students and student councils of dormitories successfully operate at the Faculty.

Powerful human resources of the Faculty, modern information and logistical support of the educational process, as well as scientific and clinical activities allow to achieve a high level of training of students, masters, postgraduate students and doctoral students, and to introduce innovative pedagogical and medical technologies.


Address: 26 Maiakovskyi Ave., Zaporizhzhia, 69035, Ukraine

Telephone: +380 61 239 84 85, +380 61 224 64 71, +380 61 234 04 85


26 Maiakovskoho Ave., Zaporizhzhia, 69035, Ukraine
Tel: +380 61 239 68 90

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