News about studying in Berehove
Off-line teaching of foreign students is continuing in a safe area
To create the most comfortable and safe conditions for foreign students studying, the Rectorate of the university reached an agreement with the administration of the Zakarpattia region to organize the study of foreign students in one of the safest corners of Ukraine, near the western border - in the city of Berehove as early as 2023.The first groups of foreign students have continued the study process in Berehove. The location for classrooms arrangement was kindly provided by the administration of the Berehove Medical College.
Practicing at the Berehove Hospital named after B. Linner
Students of Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, currently studying at the University’s Campus in Berehove, Zakarpattia, Ukraine, visited Berehove’s hospital for practical training.
Training using simulation dummies
Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University gives a lot of attention to the use of modern training simulation equipment in the educational process. Dummies are special equipment helping to simulate real clinical cases in all spheres of medicine.
Developing practical skills in the Basics of Electrocardiography
Students mastered their practical skills on the topic: “Basics of Electrocardiography”, which is theoretically studied in Medical and Biological Physics classes.
While gaining more experience in treating patients and communication with them
The Administration and staff of Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University put great effort into creating safe and comfortable conditions for efficient studying. Thus, the study continues at the ZSMPhU campus in Berehove, Zakarpattia. The examination session began for the third-year Indian students last week. They took exams in Microbiology and Physiology, which consisted of oral and test parts. The students showed their knowledge of topics and issues necessary for further professional proficiency and passing the STEP(KROK) and USQE examinations. Before the session, the students had preparation classes where they could also put their own questions on the subjects except for the general revision.
Diwali Celebration and Student Life
On October 31, 2024, Indian students at the campus of Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University (ZSMPhU) in Berehove, Zakarpattia region celebrated Diwali, the "Festival of Lights." Diwali, an important festival in Indian culture, represents the victory of light over darkness. Students made colorful rangoli designs and lit diyas (lamps), bringing the campus warmth and festivity.