Euroschool for ZSMU

The Delegation of the European Union in Ukraine has announced a new educational project "EU Study Days". It will last until June 2021. The project provides an opportunity to learn more about the European Union and relations between Ukraine and the EU from leading experts in this field. 

It is planned to hold 12 on-line modules of the Euroschool this year. Representatives of ZSMU will take part there. Each module includes a webinar with the participation of EU staff, as well as leading European and Ukrainian experts. Participants will receive information materials and will be able to test their knowledge by composing a text.

The first module started on March 16. The opening ceremony was attended by the Head of the EU Delegation, Ambassador Matti Maasikas, and Press and Information Adviser of the EU Delegation Victoria Davydova. 

The project is designed to share participants' experiences and implement joint initiatives. Such cooperation will be a driving force for rapprochement between Ukraine and the EU.

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