Director of the Library — KARPENKO Tetiana
The Library of Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University is a center of integrated information support of educational and research processes of the University.
Main Areas of Activity:
The universal fund of the Library on traditional media is more than 570,000 copies and includes educational, scientific, fiction, reference literature, abstracts and dissertations, etc. Every year the Library receives more than 260 titles of periodicals. The collection of the fund with electronic editions on optical CDs is purposefully carried out; the DL of the departmental resources is formed and developed by the teaching staff of ZSMPhU.
Today there are 4 subscription departments and 5 reading rooms. Every year the Library is visited by more than 12 thousand readers, more than 900 thousand documents are published. Up to 650 people can study in the Library halls at the same time.
For the comfort and convenience of users since 2007 there is a computer reading room with 20 automated workstations. Free access for users to own and remote electronic information resources is organized, additional services are provided: copying, scanning and printing. There is also free access to the Internet via Wi-Fi.
The ZSMPhU Library has successfully implemented an IRBIS-64 automated information library system, which supports all technological processes of the Library: tracking and processing of new acquisition, all types of work with funds, analysis of book supply, registration and reader service. The electronic book loan provides prompt service to users in subscription departments and reading rooms.
9 databases are maintained and supported, including the Digital Catalog (in Ukrainian) of more than 522 thousand bibliographic records, providing prompt, multifaceted search of documents for further ordering and providing on-line access to electronic copies in the local network from all PCs of the Library and University, as well as in the mode of remote access via the Internet.
The Digital Catalog and databases contain bibliographic descriptions of the main fund of the Library (books, brochures, dissertations, dissertation abstracts, collections of scientific works and periodicals with an analytical list of articles received by the Library, etc.) Full-text access is supported. According to the search results, it is possible to make a reader's request for the necessary publications, get a bibliographic list of publications, view full-text Library resources and save the information on data storage device or send by e-mail.
In 2013, the Library became a member of the International Association of Users and Developers of Electronic Libraries and New Information Technologies (ELNIT).
In order to disseminate the results of scientific research of the ZSMPhU community, increase the prestige and rating of the University, support open access, the Scientific Library in May 2014 began active work to create its own Institutional Repository of the University (IRZSMPhU) (in Ukrainian). The "Regulations on the Institutional Repository of ZSMPhU (IRZSMPhU)" were developed and approved, setting out the general issues, purpose, composition and structure, basics of organization and management of the digital archive.
In October 2015, IRZSMPhU was registered in the Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR), which contributed to the growth of citations of ZSMPhU scientists and the inclusion of the University in the global information resources, providing global search for scientific information.
In 2020, a new multipurpose educational and scientific center with a library was created, it was equipped with virtual reality systems, a powerful video projector, and computer equipment.
The staff of the Library makes every effort to create a modern informational, bibliographic and library center on the basis of the Library, which meets the highest requirements of modernity.
Historical Background
The history of the ZSMPhU Scientific Library, as well as the University itself, can be traced back to the Higher Women's Pedagogical Courses opened in Odesa in 1903. In the fund of rare editions of the Library it's possible to find copies with personal marks of professors of those years; library books with the seal "Library of Higher Women's Courses, Odesa"; reports on the work of the courses, materials of the "State Archives of Odesa oblast", notebooks of the Farmacevt-Praktik magazine of the beginning of the XX century. During 1908, the Library of courses was complemented by the library of Professor Smirnov, with "a total price of all purchased books being 4026 rubles 85 kop..."
In 1959, together with the Odessa Pharmaceutical Institute, the Library was moved to Zaporizhzhia. In the main building of the newly formed Zaporozhye Pharmaceutical Institute a room of 330 m2 was allocated for the library. At that time, the first director of the Library was Anastasia Novynenko. In different years the library was managed by Sokolova, Lilia Astakhova, Olena Shilo.
A fund of rare publications is a ride of the Library: reference and monographic literature on chemistry, medicine, pharmacy of the XIX — early XX centuries, among them: Hager H. Deutche Pharmakopoe (Berlin, 1872), Brehm A. Animal Life: In the 6 volumes (St. Petersburg, 1874-1880), , Weichselbaum A. The Elements of Pathological Histology: with special reference to practical methods (H., 1894, Annalender Chemie und Farmacie (Heidelberg, 1832-1914, issues 1-407).
Address: Room 204, Academic Building No. 1, Maiakovskyi Avenue, 26, Zaporizhzhia, 69035, Ukraine
Telephone: +380 61 233 01 75
Website: (Ukrainian only)