Central Methodical Council
The Central Methodical Council (hereinafter referred to as CMC) is an educational and methodical unit of the higher medical educational institution of the IV level of accreditation (hereinafter referred to as the Institution), which carries out organizational management of educational and methodical work of the Institution.
The work of the CMC is carried out in accordance with the plan, which is discussed at a CMC meeting and approved by the Rector of the University before the beginning of the academic year.
The general management of educational and methodical work is carried out by the First Pro-rector for educational work, being at the same time the chairman of CMC.
The list of CMC members is approved by order of the Rector of the University.
The CMC includes chairmen of Cyclic Methodical Commission on academic disciplines, Pro-rectors for scientific, pedagogical and scientific activity, deans of faculties (medical, pharmaceutical, international and postgraduate education), head of the Department of Methodological Support and Advanced Training of Lecturers, Head of the Educational and Methodical Department.
Address: 26 Maiakovskoho Ave., Zaporizhzhia, 69035
Telephone: +380 61 233 50 08 (Ukrainian only)