Main Information

Main Information

The medical work of the staff of clinical departments of the university is aimed at providing a practical component of the educational process for training doctors, improving the quality of medical care, further development and availability of all types of medical care, stimulating effective cooperation between health care institutions and university on medical, scientific and educational activities, without which it is impossible to train and retrain highly qualified specialists in the health care.

These tasks are performed by 37 clinical departments of the university, including 17 therapeutic, 14 surgical and 6 pediatric departments.

Clinical departments are located on the bases of 34 leading health care institutions, 9 dental institutions, 39 bases of extramural internships for training interns. Employees of clinical departments successfully work in 11 interregional and regional specialized medical centers, equipped with modern diagnostic and treatment equipment. They perform a large amount of advisory work and modern surgical interventions.

Since the beginning of 2018, the Surgical Clinic of ZSMPhU and ZMAPE, headed by Professor Oleksandr Nikonenko, Academician of the NAMS of Ukraine, has been successfully operating on the basis of Zaporizhzhia Regional Clinical Hospital.

The structural subdivision of ZSMPhU, Medical Educational and Scientific Center "University Clinic", is very popular among the population thanks to the most modern diagnostic equipment and high level of consultative and medical care. The clinic consists of a hospital with 160 beds (Cardiology Department — 60 beds, Therapeutic Department — 65, Neurological Department — 35), a polyclinic, a Consultative Medical and Diagnostic Center, 7 specialized medical centers and a Rehabilitation and Diagnostic Department. The clinic provides medical care to the population, provides training and retraining of employees, conducts scientific researches, development, testing and implementation of medical technologies. On the basis of the clinic there are 9 departments of ZSMPhU.

420 employees work at the clinical departments of the university: 87 doctors of Medical Sciences (professors), 258 candidates of Medical Sciences (associate professors). Of these, 386 are full-time employees, 34 are part-timers and timeworkers. Therapeutic work is performed by 67.9% of clinical workers with the highest qualification category, 13.1% — with the first one, 12.4% — with the second one. 6.6% of employees are certified as specialists.

Employees of clinical departments consult and treat the most severe patients (about 300 thousand patients annually), perform complex surgeries (more than 20 thousand annually), perform about 100 thousand diagnostic procedures, participate in consultations, clinical trials, scientific and practical conferences, associations meetings, clinical expert and medical commissions and more.

Employees of 6 clinical departments make trips to provide counseling and medical care to the districts of Zaporizhzhia oblast through the Regional Center for Emergency Care and Disaster Medicine.

Since 2014, Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University has been closely cooperating with the Zaporizhzhia Military Hospital. The curators of the Military Hospital are the Department of Disaster Medicine, Military Medicine and Neurosurgery, and the Department of Therapeutic, Orthopedic and Pediatric Dentistry. Patients of the hospital are consulted by leading specialists of the University Clinic of ZSMPhU in all necessary profiles, undergo examination and treatment in the clinic.

The university pays great attention to informational and explanatory work on health care, with an emphasis on promoting a healthy lifestyle and preventing tuberculosis, HIV, cardiovascular and infectious diseases. Leading specialists of the university hold talks, round tables, interviews in the mass media, and publish articles in newspapers on these issues. During the year, the university holds scientific and practical conferences, ans twice a year — Donor Day.

26 Maiakovskoho Ave., Zaporizhzhia, 69035, Ukraine
Tel: +380 61 239 68 90

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