University's Achievements

Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University is known in Ukraine and the world for the following:

  • the first heart and liver transplantation in Ukraine (Prof. Nikonenko O. S., academician of the NAS of Ukraine);
  • the first domestic knee joint endoprosthesis "Motor Sich EPK-1";
  • a number of original domestic medicine (Thiotriazoline, Thiocetam, Thiodarone, Levotil, Amiotril, Indotril, Carbatril (Prof. Mazur I. A., Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine);
  • modern technologies of distance learning of entrants and distance and full-time advanced training of doctors, pharmacists and lecturers of medical and pharmaceutical institutions of Ukraine;
  • on June 12, 2014 ZSMU received a certificate of compliance of the Quality Management System with DSTU ISO 9001:2009 (ISO 9001:2008), registered in the Register of ROSUKRSERT Certification System No. 8О0-0315-14;
  • scientific journals of ZSMU "Zaporizhzhia Medical Journal", "Pathology" and "Current Issues of Pharmaceutical and Medical Science and Practice" are included in international scientometric databases;
  • in 2016, the scientific journals of the University "Zaporizhzhia Medical Journal" and "Pathology" were included in the most prestigious international scientometric database — Web of Science;
  • in 2017, the team of ZSMU scientists was awarded the prize of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for the development and implementation of innovative technologies;
  • in 2018, the scientific invention of Professor Yuriy Kolesnyk, the Rector of ZSMU, was awarded the State Prize in Science and Technology.

26 Maiakovskoho Ave., Zaporizhzhia, 69035, Ukraine
Tel: +380 61 239 68 90

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