University Rankings and Directories

Directories provide students, faculty, medical regulatory agencies, and other stakeholders in society, with the up-to-date information about a medical school and its quality.
Rankings help students select courses, help faculty make career choices, help department heads choose new research partners and help university managers set strategic priorities.

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uniRank™ is an international higher education search engine and directory reviewing accredited Universities and Colleges in the world. uniRank™ includes 12,358 Colleges and Universities, ranked by web popularity, in 200 countries.

The World Directory of Medical Schools

The World Directory of Medical Schools is a joint venture of the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) and the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER). The World Directory has been created by merging FAIMER’s International Medical Education Directory (IMED) and WFME’s Avicenna Directory.

U-Multirank - a new multidimensional, user-driven approach to international ranking of higher education institutions. It compares the performances of higher education institutions – in short: universities – in the five broad dimensions of university activity: teaching and learning, research, knowledge transfer, international orientation and regional engagement.

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