Webinar with the University of Oxford

Webinar with the University of Oxford

As part of its international cooperation programs, Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University hosted a webinar focused on modern research methods in communication to improve interaction between healthcare professionals and patients. The event was held online on the Microsoft Teams platform and gathered a wide audience—133 students, postgraduate researchers, and academic staff from ZSMPhU.

The main speaker of the event, Dr. Jack B. Joyce, a PhD and researcher at the University of Oxford, presented the key stages of conversational analysis in healthcare provider-patient communication. He talked about the practical benefits of using this method in medical research and how improving communication can contribute to improving the quality of medical services.

Liliya Bespala, the Associate Professor in ZSMPhU’s Department of Foreign Languages, shared insights from her recent academic visit to the University of Oxford. The webinar was moderated by Professor Alla Kulichenko, who ensured a friendly and engaging atmosphere for speakers and participants, encouraging active discussion.
The webinar not only provided valuable insights but also inspired further research in medical communication. Attendees appreciated the practical value of the content, and at the end of the event, everyone received a certificate.

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