An Ecuadorian Citizen is undertaking an internship

An Ecuadorian Citizen is undertaking an internship

Ortiz Orellana Jessica Estefania has come from Ecuador to complete a postgraduate internship training in the specialty of "Psychiatry" at the Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, and Medical Psychology at Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University (ZSMPhU). Her supervisor is the head of the department, Professor Vitalii Kurylo.

The intern, a ZSMPhU graduate, The intern, a ZSMPhU graduate, stated her wish to continue improving her professional skills at our university. She attends the department daily, studying psychiatry and enhancing theoretical knowledge with practical skills. To become a qualified psychiatrist, she must, within the one-and-a-half-year training period specified in the contract, deepen her knowledge of the subject and obtain the necessary certificate to practice medicine.

Together with Professor Vitalii Kurylo, the intern discusses previously studied material on a daily basis, reviews new topics according to the plan, examines patient case histories, participates in medical examinations at the clinical base of the department – the Regional Psychiatric Hospital – and takes part in consortiums. Such a format of internship will help the future international specialist become a qualified doctor in her chosen field.


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