Internship in Chisinau: good experience, pleasant emotions

Internship in Chisinau: good experience, pleasant emotions

 It was a month that gave me a lot of useful knowledge and skills, thanks to a summer internship at the Nicolae Testemiţanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy (Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”) in Chişinău (Moldova) under the supervision of a professor, doctor of habilitation Lucia Mazur Never flew like a flash.
  The internship was organized by the Department of International Relations of the Zaporizhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University. It occurred based on branches of the Institute of Cardiology, the Republican Clinical Hospital named after  Timofia Moshniaga, at the University Center for Physical Rehabilitation.
 My cardiology internship began on July 1 at the Institute of Cardiology.  During the month, there was an introduction to five departments: functional diagnostics, cardiac resuscitation, chronic heart failure and congenital heart defects, interventional cardiology, and the reception department. 
  I mastered Holter ECG monitoring, daily blood pressure monitoring, and conventional and transesophageal echocardiography in the Department of Functional Diagnostics.
  The experience gained during patient rounds with the head of the cardiac resuscitation department, professor, and doctor of habilitation, Oruel Grossu, made it possible to analyze complex clinical cases and master the skill of cardioversion.
 Communication with patients of the Department of Chronic Heart Failure and Congenital Heart Defects, examination, palpation, and auscultation made it possible to gain a deeper understanding and develop cause-and-effect relations regarding the occurrence and development of a number of diseases. 
  It was very useful to be acquainted with the University Center of Simulation Medicine - CUSIM (CENTRUL UNIVERSITAR DE SIMULARE IN INSTRUIREA MEDICALA) and its the latest opportunities, the latest generation equipment for full-fledged training and mastering the profession not only by students, but also by practicing doctors and  resident doctors.
  Our delegation also visited 2 hematology departments, the rehabilitation department for oncology patients and the oncology department at the Institute of Oncology under the leadership of Sanda Buryanu, an associate professor of the hematology department, who, together with colleague doctors of the departments, conducted an excursion on the tactics of managing interesting and complex clinical cases of various oncological diseases.
  Incredibly fond memories left of the meeting with the rector of the university, professor, doctor of medical sciences, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova Emil Ceban, and the head of the Department of foreign relations and European integration Evelina Gergelegiu.
 The support of experienced colleagues, their invaluable advice, friendly attitude and openness, desire to share experience and knowledge is highly important!  This motivates me to work continuously and develop in the chosen direction, to improve my skills. 
  It was a great opportunity to learn not only from professionals in their field with a capital letter, but also from people with sincere and kind hearts, because the basis of the medical profession is humanity, empathy, deontology, and ethics.  These components are undoubtedly the basis of professional growth in the chosen medical field of specialization. 
  Veronika Kandybey, postgraduate student of the Department of Internal Medicine # 1

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