ZSMPhU at the scientific forum on biomolecules
The Third International Electronic Conference on Biomolecules, organized by MDPI and the scientific journal Biomolecules, was a great opportunity for researchers and scientists from biological, medical, chemical, and pharmaceutical fields to interact and share ideas and results.
ZSMPhU scientists: the head of the Department of Pharmacology and Medical Formulation with Course of Normal Physiology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ihor Belenichev, head of the Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Olena Aliyeva and Assistant of the Department of Histology, Cytology, and Embryology Olena Popazova took part in the work of the poster session of the forum where a poster report on the topic: "HIF-1α as a Potential Target for Pharmacologic Correction after Prenatal Hypoxia" was presented.
"This conference provided the leading scientists working in this field an online platform where we shared our latest research and participated in exciting discussions on the main topics of the conference," marked Professor Ihor Belenichev. – Such areas as biomolecular structures and functions; molecular mechanisms in cellular processes; biomolecular interactions and networks; design and characterization of biomaterials; biocatalysis and enzyme engineering; bioinformatics and computational biology were discussed.
Poster presentations were posted in advance on the conference website in the poster gallery. Olena Aliyeva and Olena Popazova made a report and answered questions during the discussion. The report aroused a big interest among the participants of the conference, and scientists from different countries took part in the debate. They marked that such interactions are significant for direct communication and exchange of best practices."