The Laboratory diagnostics for master’s students and interns in a face-to-face format

The Laboratory diagnostics for master’s students and interns in a face-to-face format

The second-year master's students of the specialty 224 "Technologies of medical diagnostics and treatment" master educational disciplines: clinical biochemistry, cytology, and immunology practice in a mixed educational format on the basis of the clinical-diagnostic laboratory of the Medical Educational and Scientific Center "University Clinic of ZSMPhU"  and the training center of the laboratory medicine of the department of clinical laboratory diagnostics.

The students have the opportunity to master technological methods of working on modern equipment of world brands, which is presented in the training center: hematological automatic analyzer Abacus 5 (Diatron, Hungary), automatic analyzer Accent 200 (Cormay, Poland ), immunochemiluminescent automatic analyzer Immulite 1000 (USA), automatic urine analyzer LAURA XL (Erba Mannheim, Czech Republic) with the advisory guidance of department employees. This gives an opportunity to master modern methods of laboratory diagnostics for performing cytomorphological, biochemical, and immunological methods of laboratory research.

The master's students have worked in such a format for the second month. This gives them an opportunity to complete the practical part of their scientific works and take a preparation course for taking the “KROK” (STEP exam. Krok is an exam on profession-specific subjects covered in the curriculum for qualification of a Specialist. Krok 2 is a part of graduation examination) exam in the department's computer classroom.

Training of interns in specialty 224 "Technologies of medical diagnosis and treatment" continues in face-to-face format on the basis of the department.

All classes at the department and at the ZSMPhU clinic are held in strict compliance with safety standards.

Sergiy Pavlov,

The Head of the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics of ZSMPhU, The Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor

26 Marii Prymachenko Blvd., Zaporizhzhia, 69035, Ukraine
Tel: +380 61 239 68 90

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