International Cooperation in Priority

International Cooperation in Priority

The development of international cooperation remains one of the key areas of activity of ZSMPhU in the new academic year. Orientation to advanced European experience, as well as search and implementation of modern world achievements in the educational process are the main directions of the international activity of the university. That is why the work on expanding international cooperation with leading universities and scientific institutions of the world continues unceasingly.

Currently, Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University has more than 60 agreements on cooperation with foreign universities and scientific institutions, within the framework of which mobility programs for students and scientific and teaching staff are systematically implemented. There are courses for improving qualifications and developing professional skills, internships for improving practical skills in specialties, and educational events.

This year, students of 4-5 years, as well as lecturers, improved their skills and completed courses of practical internships or studies at Ondokuz Mayıs University (Samsun, Turkey), Wroclaw Medical University (Poland), Utena University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania), Bielefeld University (Germany), Medical University of Białystok and University Clinical Hospital in Białystok (Poland).

Scientific and practical seminar classes, webinars, trainings, and conferences have become a good school of professional development for the teaching staff. An important link in such cooperation is joint participation in grant programs, projects, and competitions. For example, almost 70 employees of ZSMPhU participated in the Polish-Ukrainian educational project "Dissemination of Best Teaching Experience in Selected Fields of Study for Preparation for Medical Professions, with Special Emphasis on Standardization and Quality of Education". As part of the project, they attended a series of educational trainings designed to improve medical programs, improve the practical component of the educational process, and standardize the assessment of training results.

One of the main directions of the international activity of the university is the organization of training of foreign citizens. In today's conditions, it requires painstaking daily work, related to consideration of all security factors, the specifics of recruitment conditions, domestic legislative documents, and recommendations of the governing bodies of the countries of origin of the entrants. That is why the Administration of ZSMPhU is taking all necessary measures to develop and implement new formats for organizing the educational process for foreign citizens, promoting the university on the international educational arena.

We accumulate positive experience and develop it. For example, last academic year, together with the Bukhara State Medical Institute (Uzbekistan), an academic mobility program for foreign students from India was successfully implemented. The purpose of such cooperation was to create conditions for the acquisition and practice of practical skills: the educational material, in accordance with the specified credits, was distributed between ZSMPhU and the foreign partner institution. At the same time, the students, thanks to the adaptive schedule developed by the Educational Department and international deans, simultaneously studied online at ZSMPhU and offline at a partner institution. This form of training has proved fruitful and will continue to develop.

We will continue to develop cooperation with different foreign educational institutions regarding the joint training of future foreign specialists according to the educational programs of ZSMPhU. New online training courses are created every year, aimed at improving the quality of the educational process regarding intensive language study, preparation for the KROK exams for foreigners, and deepening of fundamental knowledge.

It should be noted that all aspects of international activity are built in accordance with the concept of the university's development and are designed to ensure the training of highly qualified, competitive specialists of the world level.

Zhanna Ragrina,
Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Dean of the International Faculty No. 1

7 September 2023

26 Marii Prymachenko Blvd., Zaporizhzhia, 69035, Ukraine
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