ZSMPHU news.

For Foreign Citizens

For Foreign Citizens

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We remind you that the only official source of information about the activity of the Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University is the university  website, which fully covers all the fields of the university activity, its events, and news.

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ZSMPhU is taking part in an international cancer prevention project.

Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University's application has been selected for cancer prevention research project funding. The project is focused on screening and early detection of the disease, which ZSMPhU is conducting together with the Karolinska Institute (Sweden).

Trip to Kyiv from Zakarpattia.

Enjoying student life and exploring new places. The students had a trip to Kyiv from Zakarpattia.

Exams in Berehove

The Administration and staff of Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University put great effort into creating safe and comfortable conditions for efficient studying. Thus, the study continues at the ZSMPhU campus in Berehove, Zakarpattia. The examination session began for the third-year Indian students last week. They took exams in Microbiology and Physiology, which consisted of oral and test parts. The students showed their knowledge of topics and issues necessary for further professional proficiency and passing the STEP(KROK) and USQE examinations. Before the session, the students had preparation classes where they could also put their own questions on the subjects except for the general revision.

Internship in Austria

Within the memorandum of cooperation between ZSMPhU and Sigmund Freud University (Sigmund Freud University, Vienna, Austria), the summer medical internships of employees of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics took place at the Traumazentrum Wien—Standort Meidling, which was a significant step both in the professional training of doctors and in cooperation between universities.

Kaya Dilan is on her way to her goal.

Kaya Dilan is a citizen of the Republic of Turkiye. She is one of those who, despite the state of war, crossed the borders last year to master the medical field at ZSMPhU. The girl studied at the Center for the Training of Foreign Citizens for a year. She studied Ukrainian, physics, mathematics, informatics, chemistry, and several other subjects in preparation for admission to the university. She has taken the comprehensive entrance exam to study medicine.

Foreign internship: professional development

The students of the Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Olga Babayeva and Veronika Tretiak, together with Veronika Kandybey, a postgraduate student of the Department of Internal Medicine # 1, underwent a clinical internship in the summer at the Nicolae Testemiţanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy (Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie "Nicolae Testemiţanu") in Chisinau ( Moldova). The exchange program was implemented within the cooperation agreement between the universities.

Internship in Chisinau: good experience, pleasant emotions

It was a month that gave me a lot of useful knowledge and skills, thanks to a summer internship at the Nicolae Testemiţanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy (Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”) in Chişinău (Moldova) under the supervision of a professor, doctor of habilitation Lucia Mazur Never flew like a flash.

26 Maiakovskoho Ave., Zaporizhzhia, 69035, Ukraine
Tel: +380 61 239 68 90

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The university does not bear any responsibility for the information, represented in the name of ZSMPhU by any other Web-site.

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